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    SIGMA Nexus kickoff meeting
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    Nile River In Egypt
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    Lake Kournas in Crete, Greece

Work Packages


Assessment of the socio-economic context

Understanding how water management, food production and consumption, and ecosystems management are linked together in the Mediterranean region and in...



Comparative technical analysis

Comparing the hydrological and ecological conditions of the case study sites in Egypt and Greece.   Under WP2 the project...



Stakeholder engagement, capacity building and governance

Building on stakeholders’ viewpoints and expertise to put forward solutions to the WEFE Nexus and promote knowledge-transfer.   WP3 will...



WEcoF innovation portal

Building an innovation portal to align research and innovation by promoting synergies among the Nexus.   The main outcome of...



Project coordination and management

Coordinating to ensure quality outcomes, as well as sustainability, transferability and scalability of results.   WP5 provides the organizational framework...


About SIGMA-Nexus

SIGMA-Nexus will advance beyond the current state-of-the-art in research, innovation and action. In research, SIGMA-Nexus will contribute to economic, social and technical (including hydrological and ecological) aspects of both theoretical and applied research on resilient and productive agro-ecosystems. In innovation, by designing and supporting the innovation digital portal, it will strengthen cross-sectoral communication, improve coordination between research and policymaking, and support scalability and technology diffusion.

In action, a training program and participatory multi-stakeholder workshop will facilitate innovation adoption and uptake of best WEF Nexus practices. The three main pillars of ambitions within the RIA concept are described below in detail.

Beyond SIGMA Nexus

sigma nexus

A study trip to Songhai center of Porto Novo in Benin

A delegation consisting of various stakeholder representatives in the Niger Basin area recently undertook a study trip to the Songhai center in Benin, a model training center dedicated to rural and agricultural development and capacity building. With t

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sigma nexus

Working Together to Develop the Water, Energy and Food Security Sectors

The contradictory development objectives for water, energy and food security in Bolivia generate conflicts of interest between ministries, and also between authorities and institutions in the provinces and municipalities: each institution wants to supp

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sigma nexus

Tackling agricultural water pollution - a 21st-century challenge

This article was originially published by Rural21 (rural21.com), an international journal for rural development, and has been re-published here with their friendly permission. It delves into the problem of agricultural water pollution and its related c

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